Polish Apple Pancakes

Polish Apple Pancakes

Created by Janusz Domagala.

Prep Time


Cook Time





In a bowl, mix the flour, yeast, sugar and salt.  

Add the milk, egg yolk and cinnamon and transfer to a large bowl and mix on medium for 10 minutes forming a wet, sticky dough.  

Peel and core the apples and then cut into 1.5cm cubes. 

Transfer the mixed dough into a large bowl, mix in the cubed apple, cover and leave to prove for 1.5hrs. 

On medium heat, heat 1cm of oil in a large frying pan. 

Boil a small pan of water (enough to heat the end of a serving spoon) and keep heated.  

Using a heated serving spoon, transfer even spoons of proved apple pancake dough to the frying pan and fry until golden brown (around two minutes), making sure the spoon is heated between each separate addition. Once golden brown in colour, turn each pancake and repeat until equal in colour. 

Serve on a plate, dust with icing sugar and enjoy! 

Fred's Tip

Plain flour can be substituted if you don't have '00' Extra Fine Flour