Prep Time
Cook Time
1 loaf
You will need a 2lb loaf tin which you should oil and line with a strip of grease-proof paper.
In a large bowl, mix the flour, yeast and salt with the water and 1 tablespoon olive oil and stir together using a rubber spatula. Turn out onto a well-floured surface and knead for 10 minutes until soft and elastic (this process can be done really easily in a stand mixer with a dough hook, for 15 minutes).
Clean out the bowl you used for mixing and pour in a tablespoon of olive oil and wipe around the inside of the bowl until coated, then place the dough into the bowl, cover tightly with cling film and set aside for at least an hour or until the dough has risen to twice its original size.
After this time, tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and punch it a few times to ‘knock back’ then pop it back into the oiled bowl, cover with cling film and let is prove again till double in size – this time it shouldn’t take longer than 30 mins.
Turn on the oven to 200C. Turn the risen dough out onto a lightly floured surface and punch it gently into a small rectangle shape, then fold the bottom third up to the middle followed by the top third up over that and press down, turn the bread a quarter turn and repeat the process then lift the folded dough into your prepared tin and set aside while the oven heats up.
Before the loaf goes into the oven, spray it with a little water and sprinkle some flour over the top. Take a sharp knife and slash the top of the bread down the centre. Bake for 10 minutes on 200C then reduce the heat to 180C for 25 mins, it should be beautifully risen and golden and have a hollow sound when tapped.
Eat and of course, enjoy!